Easy GDPR Implementation

Nodes Tutorial

Easy way how to add GDPR notification to your Buildbox 3 game. Downsides with easy way are: user can either accept the terms, or exit the game. And message is shown to everyone, including those, who live outside EU.

For Buildbox 2 users, App Nasty’s guide for that: https://www.buildbox.com/forum/index.php?threads/easy-gdpr-bbdoc-example-included.18106/

Download BB ASSETS: https://www.hanomaxgames.com/Downloads/gdpr.bbasset https://www.hanomaxgames.com/Downloads/gdpr_value.bbasset

Download BB DOC file: https://www.hanomaxgames.com/Downloads/gdpr.bbdoc

Using worlds guide:

Using UI-s guide: